Wednesday, February 26, 2014

How to Keep Your Car Clean: 6 Tips

You vacuum your house weekly. Go on a "disinfect everything" craze when someone is sick. The trash gets taken out weekly.

But what about your car? When was the last time you vacuumed it out? Disinfected the interior? We eat, cough, and sneeze in our cars, not just our houses. 

If you have trouble keeping your car cleaned out, here are 6 tips to help!
    Image courtesy
  1. Lysol Wipes- keep a container in your car and use to wipe down interior while you wait  for something or someone.
  2. Trash pick up- clean out any trash while you are at the gas station
  3. CD's- get a regular CD case or one for your visor, so you don't have to keep CD cases in the car
  4. Items that don't belong- take them out of the car as soon as you get home- work papers, trash, books, etc.
  5. Don't let the little things add up- Just as our homes become messy by letting little things add up, our cars are the same way. You're going in the house anyways- take your purchases, or whatever it is that doesn't belong, with you. The garbage can is right there at the gas station for your soda bottles and gum wrappers.
  6. Make it a priority- Schedule a day in the month (if needed) to vacuum out your car. Mark it on your calendar. Set the time and place, and stick with it. 
Do you have any  tips for keeping the interior of your car clean? Place a comment below!

 Do you do a great job at keeping your car  clean, but maybe not your  house? Check out    the rest of my series!

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